Tag Archives: games

The Hidden Museum app has shipped!

This week we quietly shipped/launched/released the Hidden Museum app on itunes.

You can read lots about how the project came about by reading the various blog posts on here with the tag “hidden museum“.

The reason we haven’t made a big splash about the launch comes down to one word BATTERIES. As the app has taken so long to get into the app store we are yet to get the chance to run around the building and check all the battery levels of the ibeacons. Thus the app is available but living by its moniker and being hidden from general view for a few days. If you do get a chance to play the game please do let me know what you thought by leaving a comment, tweeting @bristolmuseum or email.

On to the next projects to ship, CRM and alpha visitor giving.

Thanks to all the good folks who made the project a reality on our team, aardman and The University of Bristol. Finally to The Digital R&D Fund for supporting us, challenging us and helping us make a little dent in the world.